Grief & Loss Therapy

How can Grief and Loss therapy support you?

Grief and Loss (bereavement) therapy can offer support to various difference needs and experiences. It can help individual by:

  • Helping to understand the grief process- the stages and its complexity
  • Validating one’s experiences and emotions through increased awareness and insight
  • Having a safe and support place to express emotions and thoughts
  • To support the individual to be in relationship with themselves and others after loss.
  • To explore coping mechanisms to manage grief-related distress and increase overall well-being
  • To help individuals find acceptance and to create meaning in life after loss
  • Support on to work through feelings of regret or guilts to find new ways to heal.
  • To find ways to enhance self-care and self-compassion
  • Explore ways to honour their loved one or what it is they are grieving in a meaningful way
  • To support the individual to be in relationship with themselves and others after loss.

Grief and bereavement therapy provides a safe and supportive space to navigate the complex and often overwhelming emotions associated with loss. It helps individuals find meaning, healing, and a path toward acceptance and emotional well-being as they move forward in life.

What situations does grief and loss therapy support?

Grief and loss therapy is not exclusively for situations involving death. While it is commonly associated with the loss of a loved one, it can address a wide range of losses and life transitions, including:

  • Death of a Loved One
  • Divorce or Relationship Breakup
  • Loss of a Job
  • Health Issues and Chronic Illness
  • Miscarriage or Stillbirth
  • Loss of a Home or Property
  • Retirement.

  • Child Leaving Home
  • End of a Friendship
  • Identity Changes

Our Perspective

At Hue, our grief and loss therapeutic approach is centred around validating, explored and feeling the myriad of emotions one experience when face with loss. This approach encourages the open and full expression of feelings and thoughts, allowing the grieving person to process and make meaning of their pain. Through this process and exploration, we intend to honour the persons unique journey and expression of loss.


Your Grief and Loss Bereavement Therapist Online and In-Person

We believe that no two people see life through the same lens. Our individual experiences are the shades that colour our humanity and inform the inner workings of our minds.

That’s why at Hue, we honour each individual’s unique values, beliefs and experiences to create a compassionate space where a person’s internal processes are seen, heard, and acknowledged.

Learn more about Kerimé Abay

Counsellor/Psychotherapist MPF
(BA Social SC, Masters in Counselling)

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