Individual Psychotherapy


Supporting individuals to process, transform, develop and heal. This service is tailored to the individual’s presenting needs. During the free consultation the individual and therapist will discuss the specific therapeutic goals and an intervention plan will be developed together.

Here are some examples of areas we can support you with, but is not exclusive to:

  • symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression
  • grief and bereavement
  • anger and challenging emotions
  • behaviour patterns
  • life transitions, change and integration
  • early life events and experiences of trauma
  • addiction and healthy lifestyle
  • gender identity and/or sexuality
  • workplace and career issues
  • supervision for job burnout
  • navigating relationship with partners, family, friends, colleagues, community etc

Older Adults

This service focuses on supporting older adults through life transitions or experiences they may be facing. This may include coping with loss of a person, place or state of being. We can support individuals through their transition into residential care facilities or alternate living arrangements. We support both individual and families through end of life care and/or a change in health circumstances, for example; acute illness, disability and Alzheimers.

Counsellor Kerimé Abay has worked 8 years in residential aged care, specialising in working with people who experience Alzheimer’s and Dementia. She has a comprehensive understanding of both the nursing care, social and psychological needs, of both the individual and family members.

Young People – Aged 10-25

We support young people through counselling, mentoring, coaching and practical support. When we support young people, we tailor our therapy with evidence-based practice methods to ensure young people are met where they are in their individual development. We support young people to navigate and learn about their emotions, relationships and internal processes. Developing a therapeutic alliance through continuity of care and reflective practice is a priority when providing support.

Counsellor Kerimé Abay has 6 years experience working with young people in both government and non-government organisations in Australia. She specialised in working with young people in contact with the justice and social welfare systems who required complex therapeutic intervention.

Some areas of therapeutic support for young people may include:

  • relationship with friends and intimacy
  • relationship with parents or guardians
  • developing motivation
  • future career pathway counselling
  • mental health support
  • developing and nurturing identify and sense of self
  • managing emotions e.g. anger, frustration
  • developing a deeper awareness and relationship to the physical body

One of Hue’s Psychotherapist

We believe that no two people see life through the same lens. Our individual experiences are the shades that colour our humanity and inform the inner workings of our minds.

That’s why at Hue, we honour each individual’s unique values, beliefs and experiences to create a compassionate space where a person’s internal processes are seen, heard, and acknowledged.

Learn more about Kerimé Abay

Counsellor/Psychotherapist MPF
(BA Social SC, Masters in Counselling)




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