#10: Nurturing Trust: The Importance of Taking it Slow with Your Therapist

Sep 03, 2023

It is commonly assumed that when seeking therapy, it is necessary to divulge one's life history and significant events right from the start. This belief may stem from the notion that it helps the therapist understand the client better and inform their treatment plan. 

However, an evidence-based perspective suggests that building rapport and establishing a trusting relationship with your therapist are fundamental to achieving positive outcomes.

In this opinion piece, I delve into the significance of taking a measured approach with your therapist, considering the principles of trauma-informed practice and the importance of prioritising safety and trust before delving into deeply personal stories.

Building Rapport and Trust

Numerous studies consistently highlight the pivotal role of rapport and trust in therapeutic success. Rather than rushing into disclosing traumatic experiences, it is essential to give space for the therapeutic relationship to develop organically. 

This approach aligns with the emerging framework of trauma-informed practice, which advises against premature disclosure of trauma before a foundation of trust has been established. 

The rationale behind this approach poses a rather straightforward question: Would you readily share your most vulnerable stories with a stranger? Even though therapists are professionals, our amygdala - the brain's reptilian region responsible for the fight-or-flight response, cannot differentiate the context.

The Sanctity of Personal Stories

Each person's story is sacred and holds immense power. 

Our stories shape our identities, influence our perspectives, and colour our present experiences. Therefore, it becomes crucial to prioritise establishing a sense of physical, mental, and energetic safety before delving into the depths of our wounds. This process, however, requires time.

As with any aspect of the human experience, the need for patience and consideration is subjective, relying on individual circumstances and internal resources.

The Client-Centred Approach

At Hue, we embrace a client-centred approach, honouring individual preferences and needs. 

If a client feels strongly inclined to share their trauma history in the early sessions, we create a safe space for that disclosure. However, we also engage in conversations exploring the potential implications of such disclosure without having established a solid foundation of rapport and safety. 

This practice aligns with the principle of "informed consent," ensuring that clients are aware of the choices and potential consequences involved in their therapeutic journey.

The Hue Therapy space at: 42 Peter Fabers Gade, Copenhagen

Unfolding Organically

Allowing thoughts and emotions to surface organically, without pressure or external expectations, offers unique benefits. 

It enables us to gradually unpack and make sense of our experiences, peeling back the layers of our internal consciousness like an onion. It empowers us to navigate each layer, addressing what we can and need to address before moving forward. 

It is important to remember that healing is not linear, and skipping layers does not necessarily result in setbacks. Each step in the process contributes to our growth and learning, fostering a deeper understanding of what feels right for us.

Listening to Your Inner Knowing

In therapy, it is crucial to trust ourselves and listen to our inner knowing. Rather than conforming to external expectations, we should seek guidance from within. Our therapy journey should be guided by a sense of inner knowing, allowing us to align our intentions with surrendering to the process. This mindset frees us from the pressures of the external world, empowering us to trust ourselves and make decisions that genuinely serve our wellbeing.


Taking a slow and intentional approach with your therapist is paramount to fostering a trusting therapeutic relationship. By allowing rapport and safety to develop naturally, we honour the principles of trauma-informed practice and prioritise our emotional wellbeing. 

Unveiling our personal stories at the right time, guided by our inner knowledge, supports our growth and healing journey. 

Remember, therapy is a deeply personal experience, and finding the balance between intention and surrender is key to unlocking its transformative potential. 

If you’re curious to know more about intention and surrender, make sure to read up next blog post on this topic in the coming weeks.

 Kerime Abay

Registered Psychotherapist and Owner of Hue Therapy in Copenhagen.




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